Beauty Buff: What You Might Be Missing From Your Skincare Routine

June 19, 2018

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Sorry for those I've kept waiting! 

After a whirlwind of stress the first half of the year hurled me through, ever since summer began I've been taking some much needed time to myself. As it is my last prolonged summer vacation before the intense looming adulthood takes effect, I've decided to take responsibility for my health and well-being by going into full self-care mode. 

Now that my brain has finally kicked back into full gear, I'm here to share some guidelines for taking care of your body's biggest organ -- your skin.

Quite a few of my posts have been specific product recommendations based on what I have personally tried, and I want to remind everyone to carefully research what ingredients get along with your particular skin type.

Instead of veering into those kinds of specifics, today I'm hoping to touch upon what your current routine could be lacking that's keeping your skin from reaching its best potential.

Facial Massaging

The nagging voice you've probably heard half your life telling you to quit touching your face is probably having a cow reading this, but, yes, I'm telling you to lay your oily demon hands on your face. It's all going to be okay. 

It's not enough to slap or dab on your moisturizers and serums, expecting them to work their way into your skin all by themselves. To get the full effects of the products you use, warm them in your hands and gently pat them onto your face, then lightly massage them up and outward with the tips of your fingers until you're satisfied that all those goodies have been absorbed by your epidermis like a sponge.

Another benefit of massaging your face and neck twice daily is the de-puffing effect it has for those of us who suffer through bloating due to a myriad of reasons like hormones, stress, lack of sleep, water retention, and even just that late night snack you had yesterday taking revenge.

All this being said, you're still not excused when it comes to picking at your face throughout the day. Please don't let all your efforts be in vain.

Liquid Exfoliants

Exfoliation is a topic of skincare known to everyone even outside of the hardcore skin-obsessed weirdos like me. The problem is, physical exfoliants are the most commonly known, and they're harmful to your skin when used excessively or incorrectly as many people do. 

Physical exfoliants can damage skin, which is why they're either not recommended or encouraged to be used only 1-2 times per week. If you're feeling super congested and like you need your skin to peel like a snake and be reborn, you can either:
A) See a professional to consult about chemical peels
B) Invest in liquid (chemical) exfoliants

Liquid exfoliants are far more gentle because they don't grind against your skin, but instead use chemical power to slough away dead skin and dirt from your pores. Some are light enough to be used daily while stronger formulas are meant to only be used 2-3 times a week. 


You can run, you can hide, but the sun will always get you. It could be nothing but clouds for days on end where you live, but don't let it fool you, the sun's still seeping through and coming straight for your skin. 

Sunscreens come in a number of forms whether you want them as a spray, cream, vegan, ocean-safe, or even in your makeup. My biggest advice is to just slather it on somehow cause you'll thank me later when you're still getting ID'ed at 35.

Hyaluronic Acid

Regardless of skin type, hydration is the greatest factor in attaining healthy, nourished skin. 

Hyaluronic acid is a moisture-binding ingredient that aids in retaining hydration to keep skin plump and youthful. 

Plenty of serums and moisturizers are on the market with this as their star performer, but since your own body produces HA you can also consume foods that accelerate its production such as bone broth, soy products, sweet potatoes, jicama, grapefruits, tomatoes, bananas, avocado, leafy greens, seeds, and nuts.

Dimethicone, niacinamide, glycerin, and ceramides are also superb ingredients found in products that promote hydration too.

Diet & Sleep

Not to be a mom, but it's true. 

Without getting proper sleep and eating right, your body is going to maniacally cackle at your futile efforts to treat your skin. Drinking enough water and even exercise also play a prominent role in how your skin looks from day-to-day. 

Remember to take care of your insides, including your mental health, as much as you take care of your outer shell.

Let me know if you're curious about any new products or any other tips regarding my personal routine!

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