In Review: Hotel Del Luna (호텔 델루나) Episodes 5-8

August 06, 2019

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Two weeks have flown by and we're halfway through the series! Now that introductions have been hashed out in my last post, the prime focus here will be on new developments in the latest episodes. 

Cracks begin to show in Manwol's glacial exterior as Chansung dissects her past and sets in motion her impending passage to the afterlife. Anything beautiful or kind brings her sorrow as she recalls the tragedies she faced when indulging herself in moments of happiness. Chansung's place in all of this is becoming clearer as he becomes more attached to Manwol and the hotel.

Debates over whether or not Chansung was a reincarnation of Chungmyung (or my suggestion that he could be Yeonwoo) felt all the more valid after these parallels appeared last week. Both Chansung and Chungmyung told Manwol views like these are best when shared with someone. At this point, Manwol still didn't seem swayed into thinking he really could be Chungmyung which dug further into my curiosity. 

Quickly we're met with the monumental betrayal that made me cry at least four times despite predicting it since the beginning. Chungmyung confesses his desire to run away with Manwol and leave the palace. It's important to recall that she's never had the opportunity to fool around and fall in love. Her time as a rebel and thief have hardened her heart and made her distrust others. She chooses loyalty to her people over a chance at love, turning Chungmyung down. The following day, Manwol's heart aches for him and she runs off to find him, promising Yeonwoo she'll return. Her friends are ambushed by royal guards and she's caught by Princess Song-Hwa (portrayed by Park Yoo-Na), who's in love with Chungmyung too. 

Chungmyung is the one who takes it upon himself to strike and capture Yeonwoo, stating that he's finally got to make a great contribution to the kingdom. When he visits Manwol in her cell, he tells her she has to stay alive if she wants to kill him later. After she's forced to endure the hangings of her comrades and Yeonwoo, the princess informs her she's being pardoned since she led her to them, albeit unintentionally. 

Throughout this entirely upsetting sequence, my brain was able to put a few pieces together. Did Chungmyung really devise this intricate plot to take down Manwol and her whole crew? It wouldn't even make sense. How would he have any indication that Manwol could be swayed by romance? This man had to have fallen in love and sincerely want to pursue a life with her but retaliated when she chose the rebellion over him. If he had a personal vendetta, he wouldn't have gone the extra mile to free Yeonwoo the first time. But if Yeonwoo is the reason standing in between him and true love... now that's something to be mad about. He wants Manwol to stay alive and if he's to die, he'll die by her sword. 

That's just my theory of course, and even if it's correct, it's obvious Manwol would never know that. It makes perfect sense now why she was so sure that Chansung wasn't Chungmyung. Seeing how pure and "weak" he is versus how easy it was for Chungmyung to take everything from her so cruelly, the two couldn't be more opposite. 

Manwol has lived a thousand years with the regret of letting herself be vulnerable in front of Chungmyung and getting the person who loved her most, Yeonwoo, killed. Chansung could be Manwol's second chance at protecting someone who loves her unconditionally. 

On the more ghostly side of things, the show took on the topic of spy cam (몰카) victims. These crimes against women have been more prevalent in the past decade with little to no justice served. An evil spirit escapes the hotel and terrorizes the men who ruined her life by spreading an illegal video of her all over the internet. One of the faces of Mago catches on and incinerates the girl. Manwol takes matters into her own hands to show Mago the evils of the main culprit in the case, who luckily gets hit by a train in the end. 

Chansung's ex-girlfriend, Mira, is the reincarnation of Princess Songhwa, who Manwol killed on her wedding night. When Mira appears, Manwol's millenium-long grudge resurfaces and she begins to target her. Chansung intervenes as Manwol attempts to attach a cursed phantom to Mira's happy childhood memories and gets hurt in the process. Immense guilt shrouds Manwol when she once again puts someone who loves her in danger. To prevent any further damage, she disappears, knowing the hotel will follow her since it exists as her inescapable prison. 

In the coming episodes, I'd love to see if Chungmyung's intentions were ever revealed and how Manwol actually ended up in this limbo between life and death. Also, did Mago intended the hotel as a punishment or a learning lesson for Manwol? I'm sure there are a million little threads to tie up by the series finale, and I'm thrilled to see what's next.

Leaving you all with IU's rendition of Holly Golightly. 

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